Hello there! Thank you for checking out my webbed site :)

As of right now, this place is very much a work in progress, and I don't have much to show for it. If you're curious, my main objectives for this little corner of the Internet are roughtly as follows:

Have my Pokémon fansite in a rough-but-presentable shape by the end of the summer.

Have an about page I like somewhere that isn't rentry or wherever else that's not my own space.

Have fun and be myself.

Hopefully, at some point, this will also be able to serve as a portfolio/personal artist website, but that's for the far future... Mostly because I have a lot of art to sort through and then host and everything...

In the meantime, you can check these out:

...and you can also find me on these other webbed sites
(the ones marked in red are the ones I'm most active on right now):

(I don't have a funny temp graphic for it, but you can also check out my transformative works policy here!)